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Maria Herrell
Updated 4 months ago

Activity Categories

Activity categories are important to keep data organized in the account. Activity categories are used to help sort and filter information that is created at the record level. Activity categories are helpful in the Activity Report and Activity Scoreboard to be able to see how often that activity type is created. For more information click here

  • Recruiting
  • Operations
  • Routine Site Check-Up
  • Inventory Check

Custom Field Groups

Custom field groups allow you to organize your information in a way that makes sense to you. You are able to group custom fields in order to easily find the information that you are looking for on the record profile. For more information on custom field groups, check out this article

  • Location (Seattle, Portland, Etc.)
  • Industry
  • Material Type

Custom Fields

Personalize your Pipeline account with custom fields specific to your business. A company, deal, and person-level custom fields allow you to track data specific to your industry, company, process, or personal workflow. 

ResidentialCompany Level
CommercialCompany Level
EstimateDeal/Company Level
DateDeal Level
ContactPerson/Company Level
DeadlineDeal/Company Level
BuiltCompany/People Level
QuoteDeal Level
SchedulePerson/Company Level
TradeDeal/Person Level

 Person Statuses

Person statuses are designed to help you quickly evaluate your relationship with that contact. You are able to create as many statuses as you would like to help you keep track of your contacts. For more information on Person Statuses, look at our article here.

  • Contractor
  • Distributor 
  • Potential Client
  • Project Manager

Person Tags

Tags are labels that allow you to associate your people based on attributes or keywords. You can use tags to indicate industry, conferences attended, even hobbies or interests - There is no limit to how many tags you can apply to a person.

Admins can add, remove, and edit Person Tags in Account Settings or add new tags from within the listview. 

  • Partner 
  • Architect 
  • Consultant 
  • Subcontractor
  • Surveyor


Tracking the Source for your leads and deals helps you understand which marketing initiatives drive your business. This article has a quick video to further explain sources. Below are some of the most common sources we see, broken up by popular industries.

  • Website
  • Market Research
  • Architect
  • Distributor

Pipelines/ Stages

Track and follow your customer’s lifecycle through your company’s unique sales and post-sales process using multiple pipelines! Multiple pipelines are designed for accounts with multiple products and services that go through different sales processes with multiple phases. Learn more about multiple Pipelines here.


  • Sales Pipeline (Default)
  • Commercial Business
  • Private Retailer


  • Proposal
  • Foundation Finished
  • Project In Progress
  • Safety Check-Up
  • Walk-Thru
  • Final Review

Task and Event Categories

Task/Event types help to specify what category of reminder is being set. You can filter tasks and events by type to focus on what needs to be done. For more information, click here. Below are examples of tasks and events for the Construction and Trade Services industry.

  • Site Tour
  • Jobsite 
  • Post-Bid Follow Up
  • Appointment
  • Design


Automation streamlines your workflow by working in the background and eliminating the mundane and manual tasks so you can focus on your sales. Up to 20 automations are available with a Grow subscription, 2 on our Develop plan, and 1 on our Start plan. They can be configured by an admin in account settings. In its most basic terms, automations answer the if/then statement: "When this happens, do this." 

Automation NameTypeTriggered onDescription
Web-to-Lead Notificationpersoncreate
New Candidate AlertdealcreateThis will alert all Deal Owners when a new candidate has entered their Tradesman Pipeline.
Company Contact Information UpdatedcompanyupdateThis will send an alert to when someone has updated the company contact information.
Deal - Quote AccepteddealupdateEmail Notifies Accounting
Canceled DealdealupdateIf a deal is canceled, this automation notifies NOT to perform initial contact.
Inside Sales Notify SalesdealupdateAn Automation for the Inside Sales team to communicate with the Sales rep regarding deals and obstacles that will require the Sales rep action.
Ready to Process Triggerdealupdatetasks that the Office need to complete once an Estimator sells a job
Schedule Reminder / Preparation of Start InfodealupdateThe task is created to send Email to be sent to the customer a few days to a week before their scheduled start date reminding them of the date and giving them a list of things to do before we start
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