Adding Companies
Adding Deals
Adding People
Pipeline can track your business relationships, interactions, and important files, through Companies, Deals and People.
Add a new Person, Deal, or Company record from anywhere in your account by selecting the + in the upper right corner. Once the record has been created it will land in the corresponding list view. Companies, Deals, and People can also be added from their respective tabs by clicking on the Add new deal (or person or company) button located on the right-hand side of the page. Admins can customize the new record forms in account settings > add/edit forms. Check out our articles on adding People and Deals for additional information and places to add records!
You can add Companies, Deals, and People by importing a .CSV, Excel spreadsheet, or vCard within the corresponding list view. To learn more about importing, link to Importing Overview article.
Add People via Email
If you send an email to a new contact or lead and BCC, Pipeline will create a new person and associate the email correspondence in the activity section on that person profile page.
You can also add a new lead by emailing Click the link to learn more about adding people using email.
Note: Emails will need to be sent from an email address listed in your My Profile settings.
Add Records from the Mobile App
To add records from the mobile app simply press the + at the bottom of the screen and select whether you are adding a Company, Person, or Deal. The same fields that are on the form in the web app will be available on the mobile app. Once the record information has been added, press Save in the top right corner.
Contacts can also be added on the mobile app by using the business card scanner! The business card scanner is also available by pressing the + at the bottom of the screen.
Add Contacts through Google or Outlook contact sync
Existing email contacts can easily be added through our Google or Outlook contact and calendar syncs! Both sync options are bi-directional, which will allow new Pipeline contacts to be added to your email account as well.