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Tasks, Events & Activities

Maria Herrell
Updated 6 months ago

Tasks and events are your future todos and activities are your documented actions.

  • An event is a todo item with a start and end time, such as a meeting on Thursday from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
  • A task is a todo item to be completed at some point in the future, such as a phone call you need to make on Friday or even on a date not yet determined. A date is not required for creating a task.
  • An activity is a note and record of the actions taken with a person, deal, or company. 

Creating Tasks & Events

In the New Add Task/Event modal:

  • Name it something brief and easily recognizable for your own reference
  • Associate it to a record (deal, person, or company)
  • Categorize by type (phone call, in-person meeting, etc.)
  • Assign it to another user on your account (depending on visibility)
  • Set a due date (*optional for tasks)
  • Leave a description or note for reference
  • Click on the task name to mark it complete, postpone for 1 or 7 days, edit, or delete it.

Adding Activities

Whenever you mark a task or event as complete, we recommend that you record an activity describing what you did. When you add an activity to your account, you can:

  • Record details or notes about the activity
  • Categorize the activity by type
  • Associate the activity to a person or deal 
  • Notify another user that you completed an activity

Users with visibility to other user's People, Deals, or Company records can also comment on activity notes for more collaboration.

Streamline your workflow and reduce repetition by using our  One-click activity notes acting as templates. Each user can create up to 3 unique one-click notes for each activity category. 

For example, if you find yourself calling your leads and leaving a voicemail, create the 1 click activity note  “called, left a voicemail” for a 'call' category type, save the note, and move on to the next task. 

Activity Categories organize and track your sales efforts and can be reported on in the Activity Report and Scoreboard. Admins can create custom activity categories for all users in the account settings. 

Pro Tip: Make the task, event, and activity category types match in your account so if you have a task and event type for "Follow up Call" add it as a category for your activities as well. This will make working in your account and reporting much easier and more intuitive.

Working from list views

From the list views, you can keep track of current tasks due and activities completed for companies, deals, and people.


  • View your next task due and its due date
  • Mark tasks as complete, postpone, or edit them by clicking on the task


  • See your latest activity at a glance and the date it was updated
  • Add a new activity or view past activities

Use the  Activity Scoreboard and Activity Report under the Reports tab to track and report on your activities.

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