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Recycle Bin

Maria Herrell
Updated 11 months ago

You now have the ability to review deleted records and even restore them if needed with  Recycle Bin, which is included with all of our subscription plans. To find the Recycle Bin, click on Profile located in the top right corner of the screen. 

  • Please note that when viewing the Recycle Bin, visibility restrictions still apply based on your current settings. It's also worth noting that if user permissions have changed since a record was deleted, the user in question may no longer have access to the record.

In the Recycle Bin, you'll see all of the deleted records listed by:

  • Record type
  • The date they were deleted
  • Users who deleted them
  • Record owner.

In the Recycle Bin, there are several actions you can take when viewing deleted records:

  • Restore the deleted record
  • Permanently delete the record
  • View the record profile page with limited read-only access

Deleted records will stay in the Recycle Bin for 30 days. If you don't restore a record within that time, it will be permanently deleted.

If you need to restore or delete multiple records at once, you can do so in bulk. Just be aware that there will be a warning message displaying the total number of records you're about to restore or delete. When you click to restore a record, the platform will work in the background to complete the action. Depending on the size of the record, it may take a few moments for complete visibility to be regained. Note that once a record is permanently deleted, it cannot be recovered.

When a record is restored from the Recycle Bin, an activity will be created to show who restored the record and when it was restored. You can find these activities on the record's profile page or in the Activity Report. (Please refer to the photo below.)

You can also view Deal changes in your pipeline using HindsightYou may want to understand more about what was deleted and how you can restore it. The Recycle Bin is accessible at the bottom of the Hindsight comparative view and through your user icon in the global navigation.


Is there a way to limit who can restore Deals?

The recycle bin feature follows the same user permission levels as deal read and write privileges. If a user had write access to the original record prior to deletion then that user will also be able to restore the record. You can view and update your Team Visibility settings in your Users section of Account Settings by selecting the Team Name. You can also click for more information on team visibility.

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