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Company Profile Overview

Maria Herrell
Updated 8 months ago

A Company profile page is a dashboard of information about a company in Pipeline. You can edit information about the company, record activities and add new deals and contacts. Reorder the layout of the profile page by clicking on the 'Actions' button and choosing the 'Edit Layout' option from the dropdown.

  1. Total pipeline is the total value of all active deals in your Pipeline account that are associated with the company.
  2. Updated is the date of your most recent update.
  3. Won is the total value of all won deals associated to the company.
  4. Contact Info is the address and contact information for the company.
  5. Deals is a list of all deals associated with the company. Click Add Deal to add a deal to this company from this page. Filter by allows you to filter deal stage.
  6. Agenda to view and add tasks and events related to the company.
  7. Activities is a summary of an action that a user has taken with a company. Record emails, phone calls, voicemails, proposals, meetings, etc. in the activity area and record by activity category. Users with visibility to the company can collaborate by commenting on activities. Filter by allows you to filter by activity category

  1. Custom Fields created by admins are additional information on a company in Pipeline such as industry, size of company, etc. 
  2. People are all of the people who are associated with the company.
  3. Files are all documents saved to the company to upload and view.

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