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Company Ownership

Maria Herrell
Updated 5 months ago

Company ownership makes account management easier and more flexible, allowing you to work with Pipeline in a way that more closely matches your company’s sales operations workflow.

With company ownership, you can have one point of contact who handles all business with a company who is separate from users who are working on deals with the company. If you assign a company owner, the owner will have access to ALL data associated with the company, even if that user has restricted visibility to other data across the account. Users with restricted visibility who own deals at that company will still only see the deals they are working on.

If your sales workflow involves multiple stages with different points of contact, you can reassign the company to a new owner for each stage. The ownership of the deals associated with the company will not change, so you can maintain an accurate record of which salesperson closed the initial deal, which salesperson handled renewals, and which salesperson later made up-sells and cross-sells. This information can be easily reported and managed.

Ownership and visibility

Here are a few things to know about how company ownership will affect the visibility of data throughout your account:

  • The owner of a company is granted access to all the data attached to that company, including deals, people, documents, activities and agenda items. Ownership overrides standard visibility on an individual company basis without changing a user’s role or visibility to other data in the account.
  • Company ownership can be set or changed by any user on an account.

How company ownership will affect your account depends on which visibility model the account's administrator has chosen:

Standard Visibility–Our standard visibility model allows any user to view a company profile and change company ownership. but restricts non-Executive users from viewing deals and people they do not own. In this model, setting the company owner supersedes standard visibility restrictions and grants the company owner visibility to data associated with that company that the user might not have seen before. This includes deals and people owned by other users. It does not affect any other user’s visibility to the company and its associated data.

This model helps streamline account management. Close a deal and assign a service rep as the company owner. They can now fully service the account without seeing other deals and people in the pipeline.

Restricted Visibility–In our strictest visibility model, a company is only visible to a user if the company is "worked on by” that user, that is if the user created the company or owns an associated person or deal. In this model, assigning a company owner will also grant them access to the company and all associated data but will not affect other users' visibility.

Global Visibility–In our open visibility model, company ownership can still be very useful. While companies and people are not restricted in this model, deals are only visible to their owner. Assigning a company owner in this model will open visibility to the deals under that company but will not restrict other users from accessing the company profile page.

Assign a company owner within Pipeline

Executive users:

  • When adding the company to Pipeline, note that the user adding the company is not assigned as the owner by default.
  • On the company profile: page click “Owner” to access a list of users. “Owner” is located under the “Total Pipeline” box in “Company Details.”
  • In the Companies ListView: you can assign owners individually by adding the “Company Owner” column from “Select columns” and editing the company owner field in-line. To assign an owner to multiple companies at once, first select the companies you wish to edit. This can be done by setting up specific filters, for example, all companies located in San Francisco. Then, either select all by clicking the checkbox in the upper left-hand corner or manually select companies by clicking each checkbox along the left-hand side. To edit the owner, click “Reassign” on the Actions bar.

Non-Executive users:

  • When the "Owner" is required on the Company add/edit form it will default to that user; when "Owner" is not required on the Company add/edit form it will default to "no owner".
  • Non-Executive users can now also change the ownership of a company only with permission set by an admin on the User's page in account settings. 

Assign a company owner during Import

  • Non-executive users without the “can change company ownership” permission will be set to no owner
  • Executives or users with the permission enabled will need to use the owner option in the mapping step
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