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Person Profile Overview

Maria Herrell
Updated 4 months ago

A Person profile page is a dashboard of the most up to date information about a person in Pipeline. Add/edit information about your contact, record and view activities, add new deals, and send an email directly from the profile page. Fields on the Person profile include:

  • Total pipeline is the total value of all active deals in your Pipeline account that are associated with this Person.

  • Updated is the date this person record was most recently updated.

  • Won Deals is the total value of all deals associated with this person that you have won.

  • Company is the company that this person is associated with.

  • Status is a color status that describes your current relationship with the person.

  • Title is the job title of the person.

  • Owner is the user who owns this person.

  • Source describes how you met this person. (Helpful for tracking ROI)   

  • Type describes the person as a contact or a lead. To learn more, visit Contacts vs Leads.

  • Summary is a quick description of the person. Whatever information might be handy to have at hand; could include topics to discuss, product preferences, or anything else you want to see at a glance.
  • Tags are descriptives you can use to group similar people (examples - marketing professionals, golfers, SaaS, etc). Tags can help you filter to send out an email campaign. You do need to be on our grow plan to send out email campaigns. 

  • Activities is a summary of an action that a user has taken with a person. Record emails, phone calls, voicemails, proposals, meetings, etc. in the activity area and record by activity category. Also, you or a user who is shared with the deal can comment on activity with this person. Admins can customize activity categories in Account Settings.

    • Filter by category allows you to filter your activities by activity category (example: sort by email, phone call, etc.). An applied filter will remain on all profiles at that level for a streamlined workflow until cleared.

  • Custom Fields are additional information on people in Pipeline. For example, birthdays, certifications, etc. Custom Fields can be created by admins and are located below activities on a Person profile page.

  • Files Upload and view files associated with a person. You can upload a file directly and any email attachment will land here as well.

  • Contact Info includes name, email, phone, address, etc. Click on a contact’s email address to open up a new email in your default web client (Start and Develop plan) or a composition window if using the Email sync with the Grow plan.

  • Social Media link to a contact’s Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook or Google page underneath their contact info. If you are linked to a person, click on the corresponding social media icon to view their page. The google link will take you to any discussion about the person whose profile you are looking at. 
  • Agenda view and add a task or event from the profile page below a person’s contact info. Add task or event templates from this view to automate your workflow. 


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