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Getting Started with Customizable Dashboards

Maria Herrell
Updated 4 months ago

Create a new Dashboard

One of the easiest ways to get started with customizable dashboards is to create a new dashboard. From the Dashboards dropdown, select “Add New Dashboard” 

Give the new dashboard a title and then select the first type of content you want to add to the dashboard:

For more information on the content types, see the previous section in the Customizable Dashboards Overview

You can add as many custom tiles to the dashboard as necessary. Each of the default tiles (agenda, deals slipping away, latest email interactions, pipeline, and starred lists) can be added once. After a default tile has been added to the dashboard, it will no longer appear in the “add to dashboard” modal.

When adding custom content, you can choose the list view, report, or goal name from the dropdown or search in the dropdown field. 

Saving a Dashboard

Customizable Dashboards function in the same way as the saved list views in that any time you make changes to a dashboard that you want to persist, you must save the changes or save as a new dashboard. 

You can also choose to reset the dashboard back to before the changes were made. 

When you choose “Save as new dashboard” you’ll be prompted to give the dashboard a name. All saved dashboards can be found in the dashboard dropdown under the name of the currently viewed dashboard. 

After saving a dashboard you can star the dashboard to indicate that it’s a key dashboard in your workflow. To star a dashboard, simply click the star icon to the left of the dashboard name when the dashboard is open. 

Editing a Dashboard

here are three additional ways that you can customize your dashboard after you have added content: 

  • Resize Tiles
  • Reposition Tiles
  • Filtering Tiles 

To resize tiles, click and hold the icon in the lower right corner of the tile. As you hold the icon, drag the tile to either expand or decrease the size of the tile. The new dynamic dashboards do not have set requirements on the tile sizes, giving you greater flexibility on choosing tile sizes that help improve your workflow and efficiency. You can also reposition the tiles by clicking the icon in the upper left corner of the tile and dragging and dropping the tile into place. 

Dashboard filtering now exists on individual tiles, allowing you greater flexibility you to curate a dashboard that is filtered by individual tile. To filter the tiles, click the users dropdown and select the users that you wish to see data for on the tile. You can filter by users on the agenda, deals slipping away, and the Pipeline tiles. 

Tile Actions 

The three dots in the upper right corner of each tile show the various actions that can be executed on each tile. 

All tiles allow you to remove the content entirely from the dashboard.

For each of the custom tile types you can: 

  • Go to: Navigate to the original list view, goal, or report. 
  • Move to another dashboard: Move the tile from the existing dashboard to another dashboard. The tile will no longer exist on the current dashboard. 
  • Copy to another dashboard: duplicate the tile and add to another dashboard. The tile will remain on the current dashboard and a copy will be added to the additional dashboard. 
  • Refresh: If any changes have been made to the content, you can refresh the tile to see the most up-to-date version. 

Now that you have created and customized the dashboard, explore the different ways to share the dashboard with other members of your team.

Next: Sharing Dashboards

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