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Customizable Dashboards Overview

Maria Herrell
Updated 1 year ago


Customizable Dashboards allow users to selectively choose the most meaningful types of information to display on the home dashboard. Streamline your workflow and reduce the number of pages you are navigating between by adding list views, reports, and goals to the dashboard along with your existing default tiles, agenda, pipeline, latest email interactions, starred lists, and deals slipping away. Users can add as many custom tiles to the dashboard, set unique sizes for the tiles, and change their placement on the dashboard to fit your needs. 

The ability to create, save, and share multiple dashboards with list curated views, reports, and goals, is only available on our Grow Plan. If you are not currently on our Grow plan but are interested in trying out all the Grow has to offer, please contact a member of our Customer Care team for a free 2-week trial. 

Tile Types

There are 8 types of tiles that you can include on your dashboards. Some of these tiles are default while others allow you to add custom content. 

Default Tiles: 

  • Pipeline - track your sales pipeline to determine how much revenue you have in each stage of the sales process. Filter by users, time frame, or pipeline type. 
  • Latest email interactions: view the most recent opens and clicks on emails you have sent from the platform 
  • Deals slipping away: keep track of active deals that are of significant dollar value that don’t have any scheduled follow-up activity (tasks of events). 
  • Agenda: View upcoming and past due tasks and events. Take action on your agenda directly from the dashboard by viewing contact details or the person/deal/company profile. 
  • Starred Lists: an overview of all of your starred, or favorited, lists. 

Custom Content Tiles: 

  • List Views: Add any custom saved deal, company, or person list views to the dashboard
  • Reports: Any personal saved reports that you have created can be added to the dashboard to keep a close eye on the metrics that are most important to you. 
  • Goals: Ensure visibility into progress towards team or individual goals by adding goals tracking to the dashboard. 

Next: Getting Started With Custom Dashboards

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