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Email management

Maria Herrell
Updated 11 months ago

In the Email tab, you're able to view stats for your campaigns, create and modify email templates, manage scheduled emails, and see a history of emails you’ve sent. Additional email settings can be accessed from the My Profile page for all users.


View your email inbox, your inbox@pipelinecrm.com section, and your scheduled emails.


The Email sync inbox is a reflection of your regular email inbox within Pipeline. You can read more about the Email sync Inbox here.


Emails that you forward or BCC to inbox@pipelinedeals.com will appear in this box. Even if you choose not to use the Email sync, this is one of the ways that you can put your email correspondence in Pipeline. You can read more about how this works here.


View and manage the delivery times for emails you’ve scheduled to send later. Click on the name of a scheduled email to preview the content of that email. Click Edit to edit both the time that the email will send as well as the content of the email; Delete will delete the email and cancel it from being sent.


The Recipients tab is a list view of all emails sent from within Pipeline with the Email sync. As with other list views, filter, and sort based on the visible columns, and choose which columns are visible by clicking on the Columns button found towards the upper right of the list view.

For each mass email you send, you can choose to view by Campaigns rather than Recipients to see data on a per-campaign basis. From there, you can see the number of emails successfully delivered and opened by unique users, as well as the number of links clicked and how many unsubscribed. Click on the name of the email campaign to view the content of the email. Click on the number of recipients to pull up a list view that will show each recipient of the campaign along with the number of opens, clicks, and whether or not they unsubscribed.


Further data on your emails sent with the Email sync is visible on the Analytics tab, which will show a number of graphs and charts that you can narrow down by the sender and by timeframe to get the data you need. See how many emails in total were sent along with your open rate, how many emails were sent with a link or attachment along with the click rate, email activity over time, side-by-side performance comparison between team members, and individual contribution to total emails sent.

Use the dropdown menu to narrow down your view of this data by specific users or teams, and click where it (by default) says any time to change the time frame.


Create and manage templates to use for future emails from the Templates tab. Your templates are displayed in a list view that you can sort and filter as with any other Pipeline list view. Create saved lists to filter your templates by specific criteria and make them easier to find. Click + Create new template to add a new template. Learn more about setting up templates in our Creating Email Templates article.

Email Settings

You can change a number of settings related to your email through your profile page. Click on the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner and then on My Profile > Email on the left-hand side. Enable or disable your synced email, set up your signature, and set your office address for CAN-SPAM compliance.

Inserting images into your signature can be accomplished by clicking on the picture icon in the toolbar and uploading an image from your computer or pasting the URL of a publicly hosted image into the URL field. You can read more about this process here.

User permissions

Admins can manage which users on their account have access to sending mass email campaigns. By default, all users are enabled. To turn off access, click on either your avatar or initials in the upper right-hand corner and go to Account Settings > Users. Click on the name of the user who you wish to edit and simply uncheck the box next to Can send email campaigns > Save.When inviting new users, you can choose whether or not they have the ability to send email campaigns when inviting them. Simply check or uncheck the box as needed.


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