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Advanced Visibility

Joss Rodriguez
Updated 2 weeks ago

The ability to hide specific custom fields and custom field groups at the team level on your account is now available on our Grow plan. Advanced visibility settings allow you to control whether a user on a team can view, edit, or add data into the field. 

To make changes to the visibility for a custom field, an Admin on your account will need to navigate to the Custom Fields section of Account Settings. From there, you will click on the edit icon for the custom field you would like to restrict. Next, you will choose which teams you would like the visibility to affect and select the level of visibility you would like them to have. 

You can also hide an entire custom field group by clicking on "Manage Custom Field Groups" and editing the field you would like to restrict. Hiding an entire custom field group could be beneficial if, for example, you have all of your billing-related information in one group and you do not want your sales team to have access to that data.

The visibility options available are to restrict the ability to either view, edit, or add data to a field. The ability to restrict viewership is only available on Grow, if you are on Start or Develop you will need to upgrade your account to unlock this feature.

  • View - Restricts the users from seeing the field as available on their lists, profile pages, or when adding new record
  • Edit - Restricts users from editing the data in the field, but it will still be viewable for the users
  • Add - Users can add data to the field when creating a new record, but cannot go back and add new data at a later date

Below please find a video that explains the custom field and custom field group visibility options: 

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