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Adding new users

Joss Rodriguez
Updated 2 weeks ago

Add new users

The Add new user button is found on the main Users page where the admin sets the new userโ€™s role, team, and permissions.

Team roles based on a teamโ€™s visibility settings:

  • Executives cannot be on a team but can see and edit data across the entire account.
  • Team Leaders can see and edit data across their team or account
  • Team Members is the default position and can see and edit data within their team or account

To add a new user to the account click Add user

You can also add new or existing users to a team by clicking on a team name under Teams in the Organization chart or on a team name in the Active users' tab list view.


When a new user is added the charge will be determined by the subscription's billing terms. Each new user seat added will increase the number of licenses billed on the account. Monthly subscriptions will charge the prorated amount on the following invoice. For annual termed subscriptions, the credit card on file will automatically charge the prorated amount for the remainder of the billing cycle that day.

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