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Company Hierarchy

Set up to 3-level deep connections across companies!
Maria Herrell
Updated 3 weeks ago

Company Hierarchy Feature in Pipeline CRM

Overview: The Company Hierarchy feature in Pipeline CRM allows users to visualize and manage the structure of companies within the system. This feature is designed to help users understand relationships within large organizations, making navigating corporate complexities easier during sales.

  • Improved Organizational Insight: Understanding the hierarchy of a potential or existing customer can enhance strategic planning and communication.
  • Enhanced Targeting: Marketing and sales efforts can be better targeted at the right departments or key decision-makers.
  • Streamlined Operations: Provides a centralized view of complex company structures, reducing the time and effort needed to manage large accounts.
How It Works:
  • Creating a Hierarchy: Users can create and modify the company hierarchy by defining a relationship between 2 companies.
  • Rollup of data on the Parent Company profile page: The parent company will show the deal details, activities, and people associated with all the child companies. 
Establishing a relationship

The company relationship can be established from either the parent's or child's ends.

To establish a parent relationship with a child, go to a company profile page and define an existing company as a parent from the company details - Parent company dropdown

Search for an existing company and add it as a parent.
Clicking on "x" will unlink the relationship.

You can also click on the Actions drop-down and click on "Add a Parent company"

In the following modal, you can search and link a parent to this child company. Don't forget to press "Confirm". Alternatively, you can also create a new parent company. Upon successful creation you the new company will be the parent.

Parent's company profile page

In addition to the existing fields, Pipeline CRM now provides a comprehensive summary of all deals associated with child companies.

New Fields Explained in the Company Details page:
  1. Children Total Pipeline: This new field aggregates the total potential revenue from all deals associated with any child companies (including the grandchildren companies). This number is the total sum of all the deal amounts linked to children (or grandchildren) companies that are not in the won or lost stage.
  2. Children Won Deals: Reflecting the success rate within child companies, this field shows the number of deals won across all subsidiaries. This number is the total sum of all the deal amounts linked to children (or grandchildren) companies that are in the won stage.
Deals section
The deals section will list all the deals associated with the children (or grandchildren) companies. You can use filters to quickly find the information that you are looking for. If there are multiple records, you can click on "next" at the bottom center of the section to view more records.

Activity section
Consolidated Activity View:
The Activity Section now displays all activities related to deals from both the parent company and its subsidiaries. This centralized view ensures that you have complete visibility into the communications and tasks across your corporate landscape.

Company-Level Filtering:
A new filter has been added to the Activity Section, allowing users to select and view activities for a specific child company, along with the current parent company. This feature is particularly useful for users who need to focus on a single subsidiary's interactions without the noise from other operations.

Utilizing the New Filter:
To apply the company-level filter, simply select the desired child company from the dropdown menu in the Activity Section. This will adjust the displayed activities to only those that are linked to the selected company, making it easier to track and manage specific engagements.

People Section
For a parent company, the People section section now includes richer data elements and enhanced filtering capabilities to streamline your contact management process. As with any company page profile page's people section you can view the photo, name (and title), Company (parent and all linked children/grandchildren) info, Status, Phone, Owner, Type and updated at. You can use filters to quickly find the information that you are looking for. If there are multiple records, you can click on "next" at the bottom center of the section to view more records.

Children Companies section
For any parent company, you can quickly identify all the children (and grandchildren) companies by checking the Children Companies section.

Hierarchical Visualization- Tap the three dots at the top right of the "Children Companies" section to display a diagram. This shows the parent-child relationship for the current parent company, covering all the levels of descendants. Using this diagram you can distinguish between child and grandchild companies.

To establish a child relationship with a parent, please click on the Actions menu on any parent company profile page and click on "Add a Child company"

In the following modal you can quickly add a child company and can also understand the current children of the parent company:

Access Rights for Parent and Subsidiary Companies:
When you are granted access to a parent company within our system, this access automatically extends to include all related subsidiary companies, including both children and grandchildren companies. This streamlined access ensures you can manage and interact with the entire family of companies without the need for additional permissions.

Logic for defining relationships

1. Please note that you can only establish a 3-layer deep company structure. Following is a valid structure that can be created in Pipeline CRM.

For example, in the above diagram, the CRM will not allow the addition of a parent to ACME Holding or a child to Region 1 INC

2. Single Parent: Each child company can only have one parent company. This maintains an unambiguous hierarchical structure.

3. No Cyclic Dependency: A company cannot be its ancestor or descendant. This prevents circular dependencies which can lead to logical inconsistencies.

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