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Where can I send a campaign?

Maria Herrell
Updated 4 months ago

You can send a campaign from four locations: the companies tab, the deals tab, the people tab, and the Recipients view under โ€˜Sent Mailโ€™.

To select records to be added to a campaign, select any number of deals (primary contact), people, or companies, by checking the box on the far left side of your screen, select Send Campaign.

When records are selected from the companies tab, the contacts associated with those companies who meet the criteria for that campaign and have an email address in the work email field of their profile will be added to that campaign and receive the emails that have been set up according to that campaign's settings.

When records are selected from the deals tab, the primary contact associated on those selected deals who meet the criteria for that campaign and have an email address in the work email field of their profile will be added to that campaign and receive the emails that have been set up according to that campaign's settings.

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