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Email activities

Maria Herrell
Updated 1 month ago

BCC Tracking

When you click on an email address in Pipeline, the new message will automatically write your contact’s email address in the TO field and write cc@app.pipelinecrm.com in the BCC field.

By placing cc@app.pipelinecrm.com in the BCC field, Pipeline will track your correspondence as an email activity on your contact’s profile page and upload any file attachments. If that person does not already exist, it will automatically create a new person. Note: Make sure you're sending your email from an address tied to your Pipeline account and not from a different address, and it will be included in the person's activities automatically. You can add a secondary and tertiary email address to your account from your My Profile Settings page.

If your contact emails you back, you can make an activity note out of their message by forwarding the message to cc@app.pipelinecrm.com. The email will appear on the person’s profile page as an Activity, and any attachment will be uploaded as a file. This feature works best if you only have one deal with a contact.

You can place a contact's email in either the To or Cc field; an activity will not be created if the contact's email is placed in the Bcc field.

NOTE: Forwarding messages to cc@app.pipelinecrm.com only works for emails you've received, because when the system receives a forwarded email it looks at the email address of the original sender to determine whose record to associate it to.

If you sent an email previously but forgot to BCC cc@app.pipelinecrm.com, you can forward the email from your sent mailbox to inbox@app.pipelinecrm.com to select who to associate the email to.

Inbox Email Feature

If you need to track an email on a specific Person, Deal and/or Company but don't want to have the system automatically select the association, BCC, CC or forward the message to inbox@app.pipelinecrm.com. Messages sent to your inbox are accessible from the Inbox module on the home tab of your Pipeline account. Click on the subject line of the email to choose a Deal, Person, and/or Company to associate the email to.

The inbox feature works well if you have a person who is associated with multiple deals, and you want to choose which deal the email is related to. Simply choose the appropriate person, company, and/or deal using the checkboxes and selectors, then click Save to easily track your email as an activity on the profile. If you want the system to make its best guess as to how an email should be associated, click on Save & follow primary association, which works in the same way as cc@app.pipelinecrm.com.

Should I use cc@app.pipelinecrm.com or inbox@app.pipelinecrm.com?

While both addresses will help get your email data into Pipeline, they work in slightly different ways.

You should use cc@app.pipelinecrm.com when:

  • You want the email automatically logged under the person your emailing's profile.  
  • The person you're emailing doesn't exist yet in Pipeline and you want a record automatically created.

You should use inbox@app.pipelinecrm.com when:

  • You prefer to manually pick and choose which records to associate an email with rather than letting the system do it for you.
  • The company and/or person and/or deal record you want to associate the email to already exists in Pipeline.
  • The person you're emailing is associated with multiple deals and you want to pick which deal this email is associated with.
  • The person you're emailing is not the person whose profile you want the message on, for example if you're emailing Person B about Person A's deal and you want the email to show on Person A's profile.
  • You sent an email but forgot to bcc cc@app.pipelinecrm.com to create an activity for the email by forwarding the email from your sent folder.
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