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Run a sales meeting

Maria Herrell
Updated 8 months ago

Meeting with your sales staff is very valuable, and Pipeline can help you make this valuable time even more productive. You can create powerful lists and reports in Pipeline that can be used to present to your sales team and lead to better production. Many of these resources can be created in advance and will update automatically so that you can spend your time analyzing data and improving sales instead of continually creating resources for the meeting.

Many times sales meetings are spent recapping what the team has been working on for that week. Pipeline tracks that information for you so that sales meetings are spent discussing strategy and areas to improve and expand into.

Below are some Pipeline processes that can improve how you run your sales meetings.

Create an agenda for the month

Using the Agenda feature, you can easily create lists to see what tasks your team has coming up. These lists of upcoming tasks are easily customizable to filter and sort by different users, time periods (future or past), companies, deals, and much more. Whether you’re having a weekly check-in, monthly kick-off, or quarterly review, these lists make it easy to plan for yourself and your team.

In the Agenda list view, you can use the dropdown menus for each column to filter and sort based on a combination of factors. Use the Add / Edit Columns dropdown to bring in whatever fields you need. In this example, we created a list that combines all tasks due this month for the entire team and sorts the users from A-Z. The list is then saved and starred.


Deals without activity

To ensure that deals aren’t slipping through the cracks, you can create a list of deals that haven’t had any recent activity. That way you can check in with the deal owners on the current status or assign the deals to someone else.

In the below example, we brought in the column "Days since last activity" from the Add / Edit Columns dropdown and filtered for deals between 30 and 90 days. Like all lists created in Pipeline, this list will dynamically update once saved to serve as a future a reference of deals without activity.



There are numerous valuable reports you can create in Pipeline to better understand your sales records and forecast for the future.

In the below example, we'll build a quick and simple report to see the sources of deals related to a specific product over the last 30 days.


Just like lists, reports can be saved for future reference. They can also be edited to check for different factors. Reports can also be exported via image or CSV for distribution throughout your company.

Pipeline reporting is an easy-to-use tool with incredible power. It has endless possibilities for improving sales meetings. There are also many other lists and reports that can be created with Pipeline to improve your team’s sales meetings. A few examples are:

  • Sales team activity reports
  • Deal by revenue type
  • Deal by product type
  • Deals in a user’s pipeline
  • Win: loss ratio per team or user

These are just a few examples of the lists and reports you can use to run better sales meetings. As always, refer to our Pipeline Help Center to get more ways Pipeline can improve your sale’s meetings and much more.

A few additional resources:

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