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Sales Forecasting V1

Maria Herrell
Updated 1 week ago

The Forecasted to Close report is designed to help you identify if your salespeople will hit plan, the sources of your expected revenue, and which types of deals in your pipeline are the biggest drivers of revenue.

The Forecasted to Close report is generated using data from deals (regardless of stage) with an expected-to-close date. The report provides detail on the number of deals forecasted to close and revenue expected-to-close. 

You can filter sales forecasts by the following factors:

  • Time frame (of an expected to close date) 
  • Owner 
  • Source
  • Dropdown or Picklist Custom Fields

Note: Only deals with an Expected to Close date will be included in your report. 

Example use cases

Will we make more revenue from cold calling or inbound calls this year?

One use case for the sales forecasting report is to forecast which sources your revenue is most likely to come from. To generate this type of report:

  1. From the 'Forecasted to Close' report, select the option to 'Compare deal types' sub-section available above the chart.
  2. Set the $/# toggle to ‘$’ so that you can forecast potential revenue for the year.
  3. Next, set the time frame to this year using the time selector in the upper right corner of the page.
  4. Finally, filter on specific sources by selecting "Deal Types," and select the sources you want to compare. 

Now you can easily see which sources you're likely to win the most revenue from this year!


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