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Won Deals By Source V1

Maria Herrell
Updated 1 week ago

β€œWhere are our won deals coming from?”

By using the Deal field Source, this report allows you to break down your Pipeline's performance based on the source for each closed-won deal. You can compare the number of won deals per source, or the total amount of deals closed per source. You should be able to determine which sources are leading to the most revenue with this report. 

You can further segment the Won Deals By Source report by:

  • Time frame 
  • Owner
  • Source
  • Dropdown or Picklist Custom Fields

Note: This report includes a dedicated area at the bottom of the sidebar for controlling which sources are included in the chart. All values are selected by default.

Example Use Case:

Did we bring in more revenue from cold calling or Facebook this quarter?

To create this report and answer the question above:

  1. First, make sure that you have $ selected in the $/# toggle.  
  2. Next, select the time frame dropdown to select 'this quarter' in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Finally, select the deal sources that you're interested in comparing (for example – cold calling and Facebook), using the filters options on the right side of the screen. You should now have an idea of which source led to more revenue this quarter!


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