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Mobile App Dashboard

Maria Herrell
Updated 4 months ago

Once logged in, you’ll be brought to the home  Dashboard (6). The dashboard is the main hub of your Pipeline account which displays your pipeline, recent activities, and saved starred lists. You are able to select Tasks, Starred Lists or Pipeline for this Dashboard view(5).  Depending on the visibility, you can view your colleague’s pipelines by clicking on All Users and selecting another user to keep track of their current progress.

Be in-the-know with your sales pipeline no matter where you are. The  Activity Feed (2) is a chronological list of your most recent activities to help you stay up-to-date on the biggest changes happening in your pipeline so that you’re informed and able to collaborate with your team in real-time.

  • Tap on a deal in the activity feed to see more details and to comment on an activity to congratulate a colleague on a won deal or ask for an update for stronger collaboration to build your relationships.
  • Add or update activities by voice using Talk-to-Text by simply clicking on the microphone icon from your mobile keyboard.
  • Enable push notifications so you’re alerted right as a deal is closed or when your team is waiting on your input so you can quickly respond.

Access your Starred Lists (5)from the Dashboard as well for added convenience.

The  gear icon (1) and universal search (4) tools are accessible throughout the app allowing you to modify settings and search for people, company, and deal records.

  • Open the gear icon menu to edit your profile, load photo and video files accessed from your phone’s camera roll, contact support, access knowledge base articles, and videos, and to log out of the app.
Click on the globe icon for our Route Planning (3) feature.

View tasks and events in the Agenda section (7) and your company, deal and person records in the CRM (8) section.

Saved Reports can be viewed in the Reports section (9).

Enable  Push Notifications in Edit Profile to get real-time alerts on your phone when someone mentions you about a lead, contact, or ongoing deal.

Navigate to the Dashboard, Agenda, Contacts, and Deals pages or select the + to add a new activity, person, deal, company, task, or event.

  • Add a new person by selecting either New person or Import from contacts to add a contact already saved on your phone.
  • New records and calendar items will sync to the web browser version.
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