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List basics

Maria Herrell
Updated 10 months ago

Create saved list views in your Pipeline account for dynamic reporting on all of your records. Lists are filtered, sorted, and organized based on system default and custom data fields. Lists can be created on the Company, Deals, People, Agenda, and Activity levels. Share lists with your teammates for more collaboration.


The best lists are well organized and report only on the relevant data for maximum efficiency and clarity. Add only essential columns while removing unessential ones, apply specific filters, and sort the records so the data is easily read and understood. Removing columns only hides the data pertinent to the list's purpose, the action does not remove data from your account. Arrange the columns however you prefer by clicking and dragging by the header and dropping it in place. 


Filtering and sorting are used to generate lists of records based on specific parameters. Apply filters to nearly any data field by clicking on the column header. When an adjustment is made to a list view you will be asked to Save changes, Save as new list or reset. Saved lists will automatically update as changes are made to the records that fit within the filtered parameters for dynamic reporting. Sorting lists by date can narrow the scope and be helpful with following up on contacts you haven't touched base with in a while.

Lookup records with a specific string of text anywhere in the word by placing a  % before the search term in the search bar: %gmail will pull any records with the word 'Gmail' in the data under the search-filtered column.


Saved lists are located in the dropdown in the upper left corner. Set as a Default list so whenever you return to that tab that list will be the first one you see. Star your list for quick reference from your Morning Coffee report or Home tab. Share your list to collaborate with your team. Shared lists are managed by the list creator and will only show records based on the user's visibility.


Report on your data by generating organized lists within specific parameters. Input data into any field box by simply clicking on the box you wish to add/edit. Export your list to Excel or Google Sheets for more robust reporting. Any visible column in a list view will be exported/printed so be sure only the valuable data fields are displayed. 

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