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How does postponing a task or event work?

Maria Herrell
Updated 4 months ago

There are several ways to postpone a task or event from within your Pipeline CRM account.

Agenda Tab

To postpone a task or event from within the Agenda tab, select 1 or more tasks or events that you would like to postpone by checking off the box in the first column and select one of the postpone options that appear once at least 1 item has been selected.

Profile Page

To postpone a task or event from within a profile page for a Company, Deal or Person record, click on the name of the task or event (not the check box which will mark the item as completed) and choose a postpone option.

Postpone Options

The admin on the account is able to add and edit the postpone options that are offered here. They are also able to set the postpone rule to leave out Saturdays and Sundays when postponing items.

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