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Archive Deals

Maria Herrell
Updated 11 months ago

Get the most accurate and up-to-date report of your active deals by archiving old, closed, or no longer relevant deals. Archiving deals will remove them from your report totals on the Home dashboard pipeline, Deals, and Report tabs but the data will remain in your account. 

Deals tab

Check the box next to the deal or deals you want to archive, then click More > Archive.

Deal profile

Click Actions, then click Archive. If the deal is already archived, you will see the option to unarchive it within the Actions menu.

Reporting on archived deals and unarchiving

You can find archived deals by adding the Archived column and filtering for Yes in the column.

You can unarchive by selecting the deals in the list and clicking the Unarchive bulk action.

You can also unarchive by going to the Deal Profile and selecting Unarchive in the Actions menu.

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