Task & Event Types
Task and event types help classify activities on your calendar for reporting on sales activities. Common types include call, appointment, todo, product demo, promotional event, and personal time off. You can use default types, edit them, or add your own. The first type will be the default for new Tasks or Events.To add a new one, click "Add Event Type" in the top right corner. You can also d=edit existing types with the pencil icon and use the trash can icon to delete an existing one. Finally, drag and drop using the six vertical dots icon to reorder task types.
To-Do Templates
To-Do templates enable you to create and apply a series of tasks to a person or deal at once, saving you time and streamlining business processes.
You can find more detailed information about To-Do Templates here.
Postpone Periods
Postpone Periodsβ feature allows account administrators to customize how far into the future tasks or events can be postponed. Admins can set specific postpone intervals and choose whether weekends are included or skipped when rescheduling.
Read more on customizing Postpone Periods here.