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Maria Herrell
Updated 4 months ago


Admins can manage users on the account on the Users page in Account Settings. All non-executive users in your Pipeline account are team members. Creating teams increases communication, collaboration and sets boundaries for users on your account.

Add new users

The Add new user button is found on the main Users page where the admin sets the new user’s role, team, and permissions. 

Team roles based on a team’s visibility settings:

  • Executives cannot be on a team but can see and edit data across the entire account.
  • Team Leaders can see and edit data across their team or account
  • Team Members is the default position and can see and edit data within their team or account

To add a new user to the account click Add new user

You can also add new or existing users to a team by clicking on a team name under Teams in the Organization chart or on a team name in the Active users' tab list view.

Organization chart

The Organization chart is a visual representation of the users in your Pipeline account. Executives cannot be on a team but have visibility to all records. Team Leaders are your managers who have visibility to their team's records. Team Members are your users with limited visibility based on their team's setting.

Click on a user’s name to edit their email, name, role, team, password, and permissions. Expand all displays all teams and reporting structure, dependent upon your Pipeline plan. Edit Team Settings by clicking the team name or Add an existing user to that team by clicking on the +.

Active users

Users with access to the account are listed in the Active users tab. 

  • Click on the user’s name to edit their email, name, role, team, password, and permissions. 
  • Clicking the team name will open its Team Settings
  • Actions allow the admin to Edit user (same as above), Re-send invitation email to join their Pipeline account, Reassign data to an existing user, and Mark as inactive.

Inactive Users

The Inactive users tab lists all deactivated users who no longer have access to the account. Their data is still visible to the team until it is reassigned to a new user. Reassigned data includes companies, people, deals, and non-complete task/events. The inactive user will maintain ownership of all won/lost deals, activities, and completed tasks/events. You are able to reactivate a user in the Inactive Users section by clicking on Actions then Reactivate User. 

User permissions

Users can add and edit data with Normal access whereas Read-only access users cannot add or edit any data. These permissions can be set by clicking on their name or in Add new user form under Permissions.

Normal access allows visibility and data editing capabilities based on the user’s role and team visibility settings. This is the default primary level of access when adding a new user. Customizable permissions include:

  • Account Admin
  • Can delete people & deals
  • Can export reports
  • Can send email campaigns (only in accounts with Connect feature)

Read-only access restricts editing and reporting capabilities based on the user’s role and team visibility settings. The user can add and comment on all activities associated with their team. Read-only users are not able to add email activities via our email sync, BCC, Inbox or QC email forwarding features.



Q: Where does the data and records owned by a deactivated or inactive user go if I reassign their data right away?

A: All inactive users with previously completed activities and tasks will remain in the account under the original creator’s name. Any outstanding tasks and events or records that have been reassigned will now be under the new owner’s name and will be visible based on the user visibility settings.

Q: Where does the data and records owned by a deactivated or inactive user go if I wait to reassign their data?

A: All inactive users data and records remain visible to a team per visibility settings until the account administrator reassigns the data to an active user or different team. You can filter for Inactive users in each of the owner columns.

Q: What is the best process for adding/replacing a new user?

A: We recommend marking the current user inactive first and selecting to reassign their data later. Then invite the new user to the account and select to re-assign the inactive user's data to the new user. This will allow any previously created activities or completing tasks or events to be under the original inactive user's name for accurate record keeping. 

Q: Will a user know they have been marked inactive?
A: As soon as you mark a user inactive, even if they were logged into the account, the next time they on the screen, they will receive the login screen. If they try to enter in their old credentials, they will receive an error message that says we do not recognize their email address. They will not receive any notifications or emails.

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